PE International 2024 was a fantastic opportunity to network and explore the future of power electronics in Si, SiC, GaN, and glimpses into emerging materials like Gallium oxide, diamond, and Aluminum Scandium Nitride.

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Tremendous interest and excitement surrounded the inaugural Power Electronics (PE) International, held at the Sheraton Airport Hotel. At this meeting, delegates enjoyed two days packed full of interesting, insightful talks that covered all the key topics within the power electronics industry. Speakers spoke about both the incumbent technology, silicon, and the two most exciting alternatives, SiC and GaN. Several industrial players discussed devices based on these two wide bandgap materials, detailing recent industrial and technical achievements, market status and outlook, as well as remaining challenges. Highlight from the first day included presentations surrounding emerging GaN technology, its applications, and innovative packaging techniques for high voltage power modules; while the second day will be remembered for the fascinating market overview from leading players, as well as insights into ground-breaking techniques to tackle the remaining challenges in multi-billion dollar SiC industry. As well as benefiting from attending all those presentations, delegates at PE International enjoyed fruitful discussions and networking opportunities between different players from the industry, including equipment manufacturers, epitaxy providers and device manufacturers.

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